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Work Experience

Photograph of people in an office setting with someone making a presentation 










The Civil Service is committed to providing meaningful work experience placements in work premises where possible, however please note that it may not be practicable to accommodate all applications.


Applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis on receipt of the completed Work Experience Application Form being submitted to the NICS Work Experience Scheme mailbox,


Work Experience Policy and Guidance for Users


It is the aim of the NICS to have a workforce which is broadly representative of the population of Northern Ireland.


In order to achieve this aim we recognise that it is important that individuals considering career choices have an opportunity to learn as much as possible about the opportunities that exist in the NICS. By offering opportunities for work experience placements to interested individuals and by participating in programmes  organised by schools, universities and business education partnerships we aim to promote careers in the NICS to all in our society. 


NICS Work Experience Scheme for Disabled People

The NICS has made a commitment to engage with external disability organisations to develop structured work placement programmes to make sure that people with disabilities have equal access to work opportunities within the NICS.  


A work placement is a planned period of work based learning or experience.  The NICS recognises that for people with disabilities, work placements can be a key to access the world of work from which they might otherwise be excluded.  Therefore work experience and work placement are excellent interventions to provide opportunities for people with disabilities to gain experience and skills in work which may lead to employment in the future. 


This scheme is currently under review and updates will be added as soon as possible.